Mosquitos and You

March 11th, 2016 by ifiadmin

Aedes_aegypti_mosquitoMosquitoes spreading the Zika Virus is one of the hottest topics on the national news. Before that it was West Nile Virus.

It’s believed that 4 in 5 people with the virus don’t show any symptoms, and the primary transmitter for the disease, the Aedes mosquito species, is both widespread and challenging to eliminate. That means that fighting Zika requires raising awareness on how people can protect themselves. Google, whose mission is helping people find information, is providing UNICEF with a $1 million grant to help their efforts in analyzing, mapping and getting out information on the virus.

First, we were told to not worry because Zika Virus would not come to the U.S. A month later, the Zika virus was discovered in Texas, but not to worry because it would not come to the Midwest. A few weeks later, a woman in Indiana was diagnosed with the Zika Virus, but not to worry because it won’t come to Michigan. Then, a week later it was diagnosed in a woman in Lansing.

Zika Virus is spreading throughout the U.S. almost as quick as the promises by the presidential candidates. Zika Virus causes severe, permanent neurological disorders. It is spread by mosquitoes and once in the human system, it can be spread via sex.

Mosquitoes are the largest threat to our health. There were 5 confirmed cases of West Nile Virus in Michigan last September. While our mosquito program cannot eliminate every mosquito or prevent any diseases, it significantly reduces the mosquito population. You will be able to enjoy the outdoors and not get eaten alive.

Zika Virus

February 10th, 2016 by Tuff Turf Molebusters

National Mosquito Awareness Week

June 24th, 2015 by Tuff Turf Molebusters

This week is National Mosquito Awareness Week.  There are 3 D’s to protection from mosquitoes.  Drain, Dress, & Defend.    mosquito fact sheet

Protecting your property from Mosquitoes

June 11th, 2015 by Tuff Turf Molebusters

Pyrethrins are a class of natural insecticides produced from dried chrysanthemum blooms.   Pyrethrins work by penetrating the nervous system of insects. Small doses of pyrethrin are very effective against insects with exoskeletons. Humans and animals do not have exoskeletons, so it does not affect nervous systems the same. Pyrethrins are often used in pet shampoos to kill fleas and ticks. Apply a pyrethrin based product as a light spray in shady areas where mosquitoes land, such as in bushes, mulch or under decks. The residual will typically last about a month and kill insects that pass through it or land on it. In addition to spraying, you can protect your yard from mosquitoes by:

  • Eliminating standing water on your property. Check your gutters, drains, flowerpots, and even bird baths.  Anywhere water stands is a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
  • Use insect repellent when you are going to be outside (especially true from dusk until dawn when mosquitoes are most active.)  Repellents that include DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus are the most effective.
  • Wear light, long sleeve shirts and pants when you are going to be outside for an extended amount of time (especially from dusk until dawn.)  Mosquitoes are drawn to heat and carbon dioxide (which is why it is important to wear lighter clothing so your heat signature isn’t too great.)
  • Use air conditioning or make sure there are screens on all doors and windows (and they are in good repair) to keep mosquitoes from entering the home.

Finding pyrethrin products in the hardware store is easy. Finding the time to apply them is the challenge. That is why many of our customers rely on the Mosquito Abatement program.  Our program is very effective and allows our clients to enjoy being outside without being eaten alive.

Mosquito Abatement

June 4th, 2013 by Tuff Turf Molebusters

Mosquito abatement professional, Trent, in action spraying for mosquitoes. Learn about mosquito abatement options.


West Nile Virus

May 24th, 2013 by Tuff Turf Molebusters


May 15th, 2013 by Tuff Turf Molebusters

All of the rain we had last month created good breeding grounds for mosquitoes and they are really active right now. Our mosquito misting program has started, and we have already killed over 2,452 mosquitoes (give or take several hundred thousand).